About Us

About us: We create digital assets, including book publishing. To enhance our customer's experience for a successful journey. This includes explainer videos, which we create with detail and quality in mind. We can only achieve this by understanding our client's requirements for digital assets.
Our trademark, our brand
Our trade mark and brand is owned by Wordsmith & Paper Limited (established in 2017), which is based in West Sussex, England. We create digital assets and book publishing within our service company, aiming to deliver a professional e-commerce service to clients needing solutions.
We create digital assets.
We primarily work with clients linked to any change management projects where some form of learning and development is being deployed in conjunction with a niche software introduction or expansion. Every business scenario will be different.
Why do we create digital assets?
Because businesses, small and large, may not have the benefit of an in-house trainer, the cost of maintaining a learning management system (LMS) is not relevant or cost-effective.
Book Publishing
Since 2022, Wordsmith & Paper Limited has been the book publisher for business owner and author:
Renford Marsden - A 50+ Jobseeker Footprint
All the books refer to relevant business topics that resonate with readers where problems are identified, leading to solutions.
The Learning Journey
The learning content is kept short to ensure both quality and consistency while making it an enjoyable experience for the learner.
Engagement and learning
We support and engage in a meaningful way to enhance learning and development. Explainer videos are available in different formats and have existed for decades edited by amazing creators. Thus, they certainly are a valuable component of the learning journey.
Problems lead to thought through solutions.
We need to understand a client’s problem and we want a complete understanding at the beginning that involves one point of contact supporting all the stakeholders involved. This process is detailed in our shop to capture the nuts and bolts so we are all on the same page and can develop the early stages of planning the creation of digital assets including explainer videos if relevant.
How we can help you
We can only hope to help if we clearly understand the exact problem operational problem of the client. Resulting in either a complete solution or a temporary workaround that will translate well into an explainer video. That will be a positive for your intended audience of learners.
The context
Everything about creating something in life is through a defined process. Planning well prevents failure and also leads to a positive anticipation of a good outcome. Thus, everything that is created in digital assets, imagery, explainer videos, and film has to have context and be meaningful. Our digital assets services want it to be clear and concise.
The deliverables
Our completed digital assets are bespoke and will be downloadable on receipt of the agreed full payment